
Who invented the barcode?

– On April 3, 1973 the barcode was invented by Bernard Siver and Norman Josef Woodland. Nowadays the barcode is a kind of key giving information about a product both to professionals and ordinary people. In 1948 a student in the city of Philadelphia Bernard Silver developed product labelling which was put with the help […]

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Interesting facts about phones

– The inventor of the phone is Antonio Meucci, not A.Bell. Antonio Meucci also made the first telephone set, but refused to patent it for 10$. Bell took advantage of that. – Nowadays Nokia is working on an idea of charging a phone from radio waves. – In Japan waterproof phones are popular as the […]

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Who invented the iPhone?

As it is known, iPhones are produced by an American corporation Apple which became popular because of its high-tech solutions. The idea man in Apple since it was founded was S.Jobs, the inventor of the first personal computer. In1999 Jobs cap up with an idea that his company besides computers should produce the best mobiles […]

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Who invented the touch phone?

The first telephone with a touch screen was produced in 1993 by an employee of a well-known computer company IBM. It was called IBM Simon. Its black and white screen was operated with a stylus, however, some operations could be made by hand. The phone weighed 0,5 kg. The battery was enough to talk for […]

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Who invented the mobile phone?

Very few people know that the first mobile phone was invented in the USSR in 1957. It weighed about 3 kg and was invented by Leonid Kupriyanovich. He later kept on working on his invention. As a result, in 1961 the weight of the mobile phone changed and it weighed 70 grams. In 1957 Kupriyanovich got […]

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Who invented the telephone?

Practically all modern encyclopedias say that the inventor of the phone is A. Bell. However, it’s not exactly right. Bell was the first person to patent the telephone, which happened in 1876. The real inventor is Antonio Meucci who was born in Florence, Italy and who later moved to the USA. He became interested in […]

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Analytical thinking

Nowadays companies need specialists who can gather, analyse and process big amounts of information. Also, the skill of coming up with different solutions and considering them is in high demand. Good specialists need to have an integrated approach to solving a problem, be able to understand the heart of the problem, its connection to other […]

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Creativity and innovativeness

Nowadays, when there is very tough competition not only among applicants but also among businesses, companies need creative employees who can think outside of the box and find solutions by thinking differently. Such specialists need to be able to generate interesting ideas quickly. Also, they need to have the skill to realise these ideas and […]

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