

Today’s world is constantly changing, and education must keep up. STEM, the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is a perfect way to achieve this goal. STEM allows children to explore the world around them, teaching them the logic behind various phenomena and their interconnections. It encourages curiosity, develops problem-solving skills, and nurtures critical […]

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What is The Best Type of Motivation?

When it comes to motivation, positive inner motivation is the most effective. Individuals who possess a high level of intrinsic motivation tend to have a strong desire for self-improvement and are inclined to take inspired and constructive actions. However, relying solely on extrinsic motivation, such as rewards, may not be enough to generate genuine interest […]

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Ways to Encourage Children to Study Without Making Them Hate It

•    Forget about comparing your child to others. While a little healthy competition can be motivating, constantly pitting your child against their friends will only make them resent studying.•    Avoid overloading them with too much studying. Schoolwork shouldn’t dominate all their time. Encourage them to pursue their hobbies and socialize with friends – a balanced life leads […]

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How to make kids interested in learning?

To encourage children’s interest in studying, it’s essential to create a conducive learning environment. Find a quiet space for them to study, furnish it with a comfortable chair and appropriate lighting to enhance concentration. It’s also helpful to embrace their hobbies and interests and support them. For instance, if a child is interested in astronomy, […]

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Types of academic motivation

External and internal motivators play a crucial role in shaping the learning capacity of young children. External motivators, such as praise, rewards, and recognition from teachers or parents, can boost a child’s self-esteem and reinforce good behavior. It can be as simple as a sticker on a homework assignment or a smiley face on a […]

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Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer is a highly accomplished professional who has made significant contributions to the field of technology. From an early age, Mayer demonstrated a natural aptitude for mathematics and went on to attend Stanford University, where she obtained a degree in the cutting-edge field of artificial intelligence. After completing her education, she secured a position […]

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Why is it necessary to make kids interested in studies?

As parents, it is essential to foster a love of learning in our children. However, getting kids interested in studying can be a challenging task. Often, children may seem indifferent or even resistant to studying or learning. While strict control and forceful tactics may seem like a quick solution, they can often backfire, causing kids […]

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Ellen Hancock

Ellen Hancock was an accomplished executive and computer scientist who made significant contributions to the tech industry. She is best known for her leadership roles at companies such as DEC, IBM, and Apple, where she left an indelible mark on the development of new technologies and the advancement of team dynamics. Ellen Hancock made tremendous […]

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Aural memory

Aural memory plays a crucial role in a child’s development since they are constantly exposed to various sounds. Through hearing, children are exposed to information about the world around them and develop a sensory perception of their environment. Unfortunately, many parents overlook potential issues their child may have with aural memory. Children may struggle with […]

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